TestFlight Build 1.4 (21.6.15)

I've been spending a lot of time tuning how the core interaction model works in the phone app with regard to navigating back/forward, and going in/out of the sidebar. Now with edge swipes fully implemented the sidebar is part of the flow: if you open a link from the sidebar (e.g., bookmark, feed entry), and then navigate back from that page, the sidebar will re-open as if it was a page of its own. This lets you visit a sequence of pages quite conveniently with just back swipes and taps on sidebar items.

Many changes here will be coming to v1.6 on the desktop later on. For example, caching pages is now more thorough: instead of just keeping the source text, now also text layout and inline media can be cached in memory for quickly restoring them later. This is actually a pretty important component of the swipe navigation: when you start a swipe, you need to have the previous/next page instantly available for drawing.

Note that the swipes are not quite glitch-free in this build, with various small visual artifacts here and there, e.g., page colors changing mid-swipe, scroll bars peeking through other UI elements, and page banners missing parts of their background.

Build notes

This build adds swipe navigation animations and changes sidebar behavior. MP3 audio shows up in Control Center and supports remote control events. Files can be opened via a native document picker.

New features



Known issues

πŸ“… 2021-06-15

🏷 Lagrange, Apple

CC-BY-SA 4.0

The original Gemtext version of this page can be accessed with a Gemini client: gemini://skyjake.fi/gemlog/2021-06_testflight.gmi